IT Movers IT Movers

IT Movers

We are a company formed of IT professional with 26+ years of experience in all things IT.

Steps that you will be guided in will be;

  • Step 1: Assess your current office equipment
    Perform inventory of Networking Gear (Routers, Firewalls, Switches, AP's)
    Server Equipment - if applicable
    Computers ( Desktops, Laptops, Tablets)
    Phones ( Analog or Digital - IP)
    Printers ( Wired and Wireless)
    Cameras (CCTV - if applicable)
  • Step 2: Assess new Office location
    Complete site survey of existing network wiring
    ISP - Internet Service Provider - available in the area and service they provide
    Review client requirements for Network cabling (Fiber / Ethernet)
    Cameras ( CCTV Requirement) - if required
    Access Control (Secure Doors & Rooms - if required)
  • Step 3: Based on your requirements we will design of your office network and other equipment.
  • Step 4: Run all network cabling ad get it ready prior to the move so setup will be seamless.
  • Step 5: Professional movers will move your existing office into the new space. We will be there every step of the way to make sure everything goes smoothly as technology can be very sensitive and fragile.
  • Step 6: Unpack everything and setup according to the specifications.
  • Step 7: Test all equipment and make sure everything is up and running according to requirements. ( Network , Printers Wi- Fi)
  • Step 8: Hand over all documentation to Kunsten Technologies Inc. our sister company for continuous support of client needs.

We look forward to working with you on your next MOVE.

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